Scottish Mission launches ambitious Ukraine humanitarian fundraising drive
SM ADRA Fundraiser

Mar 3, 2022, 3:19 PMScottish Mission CommunicationCrieff

Scottish Mission launches ambitious Ukraine humanitarian fundraising drive

The Scottish Mission administration promises to match donations given over the next two weeks by congregations and church members Pound-for-Pound

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Scotland is launching a fundraising drive across its territory to rapidly raise emergency funds to help with the immediate relief efforts for those affected by the Ukraine Conflict. Funds will be distributed by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency to relief efforts that they are co-ordinating in countries around Ukraine

An appeal is being made for individual church members and local churches to make a significant contribution to this relief work that is already ongoing. Members are requested to make donations to their local churches, or directly to ADRA-UK*. Churches have also been requested to consider contribute to this campaign from their own funds.

In support of this drive, the Scottish Mission leadership is announcing that it will match, pound-for-pound, donations from church members and congregations given until 12 March 2022 from its own funds.

Announcing this ambitious fundraising initiative, Pastor Jimmy Botha, president of the Adventist Church in Scotland said, “We live in uncertain times, and we see clearly how some of the events Jesus described in Matthew 24 plays out in front of us."

"In Matthew 24 Jesus says firstly in verse 7. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. And then 6. And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

I don’t need repeat how true this is for us at the moment, as we think of loved ones, not only affected by the pandemic, but also now by a new war that has recently started in the Ukraine. As God’s church, we are not here to say which side is right and which is wrong. We are here to help our fellow human brothers and sisters.”

Explaining the motivation for the fundraising drive, Pastor Bota said, “We are here to serve, and to be there for those who struggle, those who will now be homeless and in need of daily items like food. In Christ, we are to fulfil the hope that they can have in a better future.

It is important to communicate to our members and all who live within Scotland, that the church in Scotland must be proactive and help, even though we are many miles away from where war is going on. We have many of our own church members in Scotland, who are directly affected by the war, or who will know someone or loved ones who are directly affected by it.

We are limited in what we can do, but there is a way for us to make a big impact and help in a big way. ADRA UK is working with ADRA Europe in the area.

We are aware that sending material items is helpful, but not the most desired at present. ADRA can be more effective with the money that we can send to the region. For this reason, we would like to urge our members in the UK and specifically in Scotland to help. We would like to ask for everyone in church, no matter which congregation you belong to, to give a special offering on the Sabbaths of 5 and 12 March, to ADRA during your uptake of regular offerings.

The Scottish Mission will match pound-for-pound, all the money raised for ADRA for this specific project over the next 2 Sabbaths. We would like you to know that the money raised for ADRA over the next 2 weeks, will end up in the region, and ADRA there will use it specifically for the immediate needs that people have.”

Pastor Botha said that people might be wondering what happens to the money that is being raised. He explained that ADRA, is channelling that money straight to their offices in countries like Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia, where money spent is contextualised for the situation.”

He re-iterated, “Your contribution in the next two weeks will make a great deal of difference, and the Scottish Mission, will of course match your contributions. We cannot provide much physical help from where we are located, but we can, over distance, lend a helping hand financially.”

This war situation is likely to continue for quite some time, and the church leadership is encouraging members and churches to continue budgeting for offerings to support ongoing efforts ADRA is making as time goes on. But for now, the Executive Committee has made available a sum of money that allows the Scottish Mission to match contributions from its churches and members, so that the Church can make a big impact, where the war is going on.

We thank you for taking the time to read this, and for considering giving in the next two weeks as you go to church, so that we can help folks in those countries, where they will be homeless and hungry. May the Lord bless you as you minister where you are, and may he also keep all of us. But may His blessing certainly rest on those who are affected by war at the moment.”

*The Mission Office requests that if a Scottish Mission church or church members donate directly to ADRA-UK, they inform Hellevi at the Mission office of this donation to enable the Mission to then match this donation.

How to make donations:

On Sabbaths during Church worship services. Donations can be given as offerings in local churches. Place the offerings in an envelope and mark it for ADRA Relief Fund.

Electronic Transfer to local church accounts. If your local church has an arrangement to receive electronic transfers, you can transfer money to your local church account. Mark it for ADRA and/or e-mail your church treasurer to inform them of the transfer and what the donation is for.

Directly on the ADRA-UK website. Donate directly here. If you are a tax-payer you can also ask ADRA to claim gift-Aid on these donations. Please send a copy of the receipt to Hellevi at the Mission Office so that the Scottish Mission can match your donation.

On the Scottish Mission website. Donate on our website. Mark the purpose of the funds as “ADRA Emergency appeal”.

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