DSC 2826

Oct 29, 2021, 2:53 PMJimmy BothaGlasgow


A statement regarding the Scottish Mission's response to the COP26 event, held in Glasgow, Scotland.

Seventh-day Adventists are God-loving Christians who look forward to Jesus’ second coming and believe that the Bible provides a total perspective on the meaning of life, including the sanctity and quality of life. As such, this organisation is concerned about the environment and our responsibility to take care of it. The Scottish Mission of Seventh-day Adventists believe that our world is a gift from God and that we are His stewards instructed to manage the natural environment in a faithful and responsible manner.

As such we want to take this opportunity to announce the Scottish Mission Climate Action Project in partnership with ADRA which will be launched on 9 November 2021. The project includes our short-term and long-term plans to tackle the issue of climate change on a local and global level.

We would also like to use this opportunity to advise that we have been made aware of an initiative by Amazing Word Ministries International to distribute thousands of books, including Great Controversy and other independently published books, at COP26 in Glasgow between the dates 31 October – 12 November 2021, as part of their Massive Aggressive COP26 Evangelism Project.

Whilst we acknowledge their zeal and passion, we would like to make it clear that the views and opinions expressed by Amazing Word Ministries International do not necessarily represent the official views of the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist Church. Amazing Word Ministries International is not supported, funded by, or affiliated with the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist Church which includes the Scottish Mission.

We encourage our members in the Scottish Mission of Seventh-day Adventists to remain cautious and to reach out to their local pastor or the Scottish Mission office should they have any doubts or need clarification on the status of certain groups or ministries.

Pastor Jimmy Botha

SM President & Executive Committee Chair

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